The Beach Coach...

My name is Tricia Bard, & I'm a Beach Coach... I enjoy living at the beach and working in my flip flops (those darned high heels are just too uncomfortable with sand in them!)... I come and go as I please. I invite my own money to myself. I get paid for thinking, and I think abundantly. I get paid for making a difference... I help others break-free from ordinary and break-through to extraordinary... Perhaps I can be of service to you as well...

Friday, June 16, 2006

Boggs on Sports...

Mike Boggs (Boggs on Sports) is one of my best friends. He's a young dude- much younger than me :-)... In fact, his mother is younger than me! We met a few years ago when Mike sent an email about an online project, and I ended up in partnership with Mike. We've done some Network Marketing projects together- some where he sponsored me, and vice versa.

Mike and I've been through some hard times together and some good times. Mike got divorced... our Seasilver business (can you say six-figures) went kaput... some other endeavors we stuck our toes in went south as well... and the list goes on...

Despite all, we've remained friends. What I admire so much about Mike is his ability to transform himself... Mike, I know you'll read this so I'm not going to share the personal details... but I just want to say that I think you are AMAZING! Bill and I both do. You have overcome some huge obstacles and are on track for what I believe is true greatness. I am proud of you, Kiddo!

By the way, Mike-y, I want your first autographed book! And I know you must look so cool in Bela's desk! Tee hee :-)


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